Ang aking mga pangarap *bow*

POSTED ON: Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 2:58 PM | 0 comments

*So what comes into your mind when you here the word "dreams" or "pangarap" here's my blog entry regarding my dreams and plans for the future~ bwaha!

When I was still young, I dreamed of becoming a teacher, I became inspired because I saw the dedication of my pre-school teachers to us. And thus, whenever they ask me "Chantrelle, what do you want to be when you grow up?" And yeah, you guessed it right I always answered them with the word "TEACHER"

As years passed by, my point of view changed and I didn't want to become a teacher anymore, my next dream was to become an Equestrian, you know that? peeps riding in horses and competes with others with regards to race and everything, yeah right .. I got to inspired when we went to Baguio that's why I wanted to be an Equestrian but my paternal grandmother says that if I would want to be an Equestrian it would be to expensive (Kabayo pa lang pagkamahal-mahal na LOL~)

So, I dropped that dream. After that I dreamed of becoming a chef .. so that I can eat everything that I would cook ~ bwaha ! but nahh .. I dropped that also, the third thing that I want to become is being a Stewardess ! orrrrrr ~ *tenenen* FLiGHT ATTENDANT ! haha .. I really want to pursue that when I am already in college but let's see .. cause in being a flight attendant, HIGHT DOES MATTER *sheesh*

And the last, *tenene* the present thing that I want to be issssss *drumroll* A teacher again (:
funny isn't it? I though being a teacher is somewhat boring, but nahh~ I can see the dedication of my elementary teacher right now that's why I thought of it again, and this time .. if God's will I'd really take up Education when I am already in college but hey no one knows what the future may bring right? hehe. Whatever God's plan for me, I know that He will do his best to build the best plan and best blueprint for me! hehe ..

If ever I'd not be a teacher, I'd just be a nun na lang! and yeah .. I'm serious bwahaha! I'd also wanna have a family someday ^0^ a happy family and dapat hindi broken! hehe ..

You see all of us have dreams, and I'm sure God is writing the best plan for us, come whatever nga diba? Sooo~ as long as your living don't let each moment just past by you and enjoy every single day, there are so many blessings poured down in your life, it's just a matter of how your gonna discover and see what these "blessings" are. Ciao for now ~ (:

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