The gas went out before we got the bacon.

POSTED ON: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 @ 7:00 PM | 0 comments

Weird title, deep meaning. As usual. :) Our school celebrated the yearly "Nutrition Month". There were actually a lot of activities namely, the "Word Hunt", "Sudoku Contest", "Collage Making", and last but not the list... "THE NUTRITION DANCE CONTEST". Over the past few weeks we were very busy preparing everything for the said event especially for the dance contest. We have the propsmen at our side with the help of their 3 leaders, Celina, Aunard and Isay, Camille to do our make-up, Isabelle to help me design the recycled materials, our advisers T.Dewd, T.Paul and T.Froilan to give the support and ofcourse the II-Masinop, II-Mahinahon and II-Masikap who would always be there for us NO MATTER THE CICRUMSTANCES.

The usual program started at around 3 pm this afternoon and believe me it isn't easy to be the EMCEE and the DANCER all at once. I felt nervous and scared at first but ofcourse I need to keep my posture and I need to feel confident for this is my job as of the moment, I need to give my best. The Learning Community 3 first performed then after that tenen~ the most-awaited part: Nutri-Dance Contest. Believe me, my legs were kindda shaking here but ofcourse, poise plox- POISE. :)))
Seniors, Freshmen, Juniors, and Sophomores- that was the order of the performers for the said contest. So there I was at the front all the time watching all of the performances that actually made me more nervous. When it was our time to perform I actually felt relaxed once again. Maybe I felt good because I saw everyone smiling, giving their moral support and cheering for us. :) Hay, I do love the Sophomores. <3 We did the routine with pure energy, all smiles, and with the passion. I saw everyone smiling and I can see the eyes of our batchmates sparkling, you just can't imagine the feeling I tell you!

In the end, the Seniors won. Followed by us! Woo go SOPHOMORES, then the Juniors and the Freshmen. But all in all, it was one of the greatest experience, I actually typed this on my blog just for me to remember it time-to-time. But I actually think I would not forget this. To all Sto. Niñans, congratulations! This event wouldn't be successful without everyone's help. To the Sophomores, I love ya'll- you've been of great help, I hope this would continue. <3 To the Seniors, Juniors, and Freshmen- we all gave our best. I think it's enough. Have a great night everyone! :D

P.S LOL, I think you now understand why the title is like that.

La la~

POSTED ON: Sunday, July 25, 2010 @ 7:18 AM | 0 comments

My Sundays are always equal to = Sabbath Day

So aside from that, we'll be presented to the persons attending the mass by 11AM I think? As candidates for Ms. Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy *insert musical boombewangers ovarr here* I need to wear make-up and heels, maybe that's the reason why I wanna study how to do make'ups, for my benefit and for the Sophomores dancers. Hmm.

So how I am feeling? I'm totally relaxed as of now, thanks to the beautiful morning and that ever'good sleep that I got. :D Yehay for this Sunday. We'll also be doing our props today, I know right it sucks because Sabbath Day should equal to rest day but here we are trying our best to make our props look good for our batch. But I think the motivation and cooperation is already there, let's just do something about the performances. Uhuh, I hope you got my point.

Have a blessed Sunday people! :E

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Where is the love?

POSTED ON: Saturday, July 24, 2010 @ 8:10 PM | 0 comments

Mixed emotions. I actually have a separated family. I know it's so so normal in our society nowadays but people nowadays think that its as if it's NOTHING but for me it's actually something.

My family is actually perfect well ofcourse in my point of view.
My father is a hardworking man who loves us ever so dearly. My mother is also something, for me she's the prettiest woman in the whole world, she always tries her best to take care of us. My sister is the bittersweet type, she's great and I like teasing her haha! Cool resort.

But ofcourse good things also come to an end. Our PER-FECT family got broke 6 years ago. I know it sucks but ya know it's good to reminisce once in a while and I cannot resort nor tell anybody about how I feel because I'm too TOUCH-Y with this matter so the only resort that I can get is by typing and posting something here in my blog.
I also saw our first & last family picture, it's already torn. :(. My reaction was like "Fudge? O_O" but ofcourse, for me it's normal already well. The pro side is, it actually gave me lessons that I can use throughout my life. I learned how to value other persons because I know not everything stays forever, I learned how to value the word "FAMILY" and most of all, the experiences made me stronger.

But tell me, whereisthelove? Well I hope I'll find it soon. Cummon papa and mama, grow up! :(

For Him.

POSTED ON: @ 7:47 PM | 0 comments

tiara crown bracelet Pictures, Images and Photos

Crowns actually symbolize royalty and greatness. But ofcourse with regards to Beauty Pagents, it means triumph- winning and getting the title.

I have already participated in 3 beauty pageants over the past 14 years but now something unexpected came up once again. Read it? capital U-N-E-X-P-E-C-T-E-D.
We have our fiesta celebration yearly and there is always a beauty contest sponsored and organized by the church supported by the different B.E.C's or Basic Eclessial Communities here in our place. So unfortunately, I was chosen to be the candidate for our B.E.C which is the B.E.C 19. I didn't see this actually. I was the contestant for the school pageant last time and I lost but that's okay since I still consider it as a blessing because experiences are still the best. :> So here I am, getting ready or so? once again for another challenge. That is to represent our B.E.C to the FULLEST of my abilities. We would also be selling tickets, in the criteria a huge percentage would go on to how many money was earned in selling the tickets. The proceeds would all go on to the church, somehow it is also a way of helping to that's why I am actually happy about it. But ofcourse, there's also the TENSION and the PREASSURE? why? Because over the past years, the contestants from our B.E.C would always get titles (2nd or 1st runner up or Ms. Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy) so as you can see I really need to be prepared and I really need to exert effort.

Gahh~ I cannot spill details anymore. If you wanna help me out just go and buy tickets, but ofcourse I offer this contest to Him and only for Him because He is the one who gave me the talent, the beauty and the passion. All the glory for Him. :)

P.S Uh, I'll go update you once again with this contest. The crown that I posted above is somewhat relevant to the topic 'no? I'm not sure if i'll get that one but all I know is I'll do my best, I'll let Him do the rest.

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