I survived!

POSTED ON: Wednesday, December 8, 2010 @ 7:36 AM | 0 comments

Did I mention to all of you that I have illnesses? :) Guess not. Well, I do have asthma, goiter and couple of allergies thus I cannot be exhausted, and be sweaty all over + I can only eat a minimum amount of sweets and salts. Does it sound difficult? I'm getting used to it though.

Anyway, we had our second game yesterday inline with the intrams. Basketball girls Black vs. Yellow. Last game, I wasn't included in the 3rd and 4th quarter but yesterday was different. 2nd quarter-4th quarter, hello jersey #30 which indicted the four letter name Mira. :) Before, I don't usually play without inhaler but yesterday was different. I didn't want to tolerate my sickness anyway, so I went on playing without taking any medicines or remedy for my asthma but seriously, I can't breath anymore yesterday especially at the 2nd quarter and by the 3rd quarter I was dizzy. But, I believe that if you really want something and you want to pursue it then no matter what happens you CAN. It's all in the mind anyway, others think that just because you have asthma's et all then you can't play-slash-do many activities. But, the truth is-- it all depends on the person. :) Besides, I'm an outgoing person, what do you expect from me? Sit on the bench and wait for nothing? Nahh uhh, that's not me. :) To tell you the truth, even the simplest activities can trigger my asthma and allergies, such as Playing badminton and dancing but 'cos I love what I'm doing then, I CAN.

Btw, this doesn't apply to me ONLY. Hello? I've known persons who have complete body parts and are capable of doing anything but they're just sitting on the computer not even helping with chores, can exercise, or atleast do something worthwile. Bumming out, for short DOING NOTHING PROGRESSIVE. What a waste of time? Uhuh. :) Try not to waste time 'cos we don't know when we'll draw out our last breath, atleast do something productive everday. SOMETHING THAT GIVES YOU WORTH. :)

P.S Yehaaaay! I survived! BUT MY BODY HURTS LIKE HELL.

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