Art of letting go. :)
POSTED ON: Saturday, October 9, 2010 @ 1:00 PM | 0 comments
There is always a little truth behind every 'just kidding', a little knowledge behind every 'I don't know', a little emotion behind every 'I don't care', and a little pain behind every 'It's okay'. I have witnessed so-called perfect
relationships that became
disastrous in the end. I have seen most of my girl friends
weep and curse as if there's no tomorrow. So with that, I decided to create this blog post to ease the pain of these
beautiful ladies even for a while. :) Btw, ALL WORDS ARE THE PRODUCT OF MY IMAGINATIVE MIND.
#1 Why are you crying?-Tell me, do you think he'll come back if you'll cry day by day? Will it make everything better?
I PERSONALLY THINK IT WON'T SOLVE ANYTHING. Yes, it's okay to cry but doing it everyday ain't advisable.
#2 It's okay -Believe me, true friends are the ones who can conclude that something is actually wrong just by looking at your eyes. You always pull the
IT'S OKAY line. So prolly it won't work anymore.
#3 Cut the connections -If you really want to forget about him, looking constantly at his facebook wall and stalking him doesn't sound well.
CUT THE CONNECTIONS, how can you move on if you would go emotional once you see him posting messages on wall's of other girls? Well, you know what I mean.
#4 Looking good is feeling good-STOP COMPARING YOURSELF WITH OTHER GIRLS. You have your strengths & weaknesses. Go to the salon, have fun, SHOP and most of all always remember that you are
BEAUTIFUL and it's TRUE. :)
#5 Family and friends are shoulders to lean on-What are your relatives for? Your friends? They are the persons who
understand you the most. If you can't take it anymore then go rant and I tell you--
art of letting go is difficult, it takes
TIME. Now, you have to remember that
getting your heart broken doesn't mean that it is the end of the world, that is something NORMAL. Not everyone we know may stay forever, keep in mind that
NOTHING is permanent in this world. Sometimes, He also sends persons to teach us
LESSONS we can use in life, to make us
WISER. Crying nor drinking is not a solution. If your gonna
MESS UP YOUR LIFE just because of the break-up then go on--
LOSER? :) Try to take everything one step at a time, letting go is not easy but it is
POSSIBLE if you really like that to happen afterall, life is full of surprises. Last but not the least,
SMILE looking good is feeling good right? :) For whatever is happening in your life, don't preoccupy yourself with the question "WHY?" but rather, ponder more on WHERE these events bring you. God is leading you to somewhere beautiful beyond the harsh realties of life--
ONCE YOU GET TO WHERE GOD WANTS YOU TO BE, THEN YOU'LL KNOW WHY. Let's not grip on things, He has the perfect time for everything & He makes the wisest moves, be patient because His decisions are always the
best. ♥
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Art of letting go. :)
POSTED ON: Saturday, October 9, 2010 @ 1:00 PM | 0 comments
There is always a little truth behind every 'just kidding', a little knowledge behind every 'I don't know', a little emotion behind every 'I don't care', and a little pain behind every 'It's okay'. I have witnessed so-called perfect
relationships that became
disastrous in the end. I have seen most of my girl friends
weep and curse as if there's no tomorrow. So with that, I decided to create this blog post to ease the pain of these
beautiful ladies even for a while. :) Btw, ALL WORDS ARE THE PRODUCT OF MY IMAGINATIVE MIND.
#1 Why are you crying?-Tell me, do you think he'll come back if you'll cry day by day? Will it make everything better?
I PERSONALLY THINK IT WON'T SOLVE ANYTHING. Yes, it's okay to cry but doing it everyday ain't advisable.
#2 It's okay -Believe me, true friends are the ones who can conclude that something is actually wrong just by looking at your eyes. You always pull the
IT'S OKAY line. So prolly it won't work anymore.
#3 Cut the connections -If you really want to forget about him, looking constantly at his facebook wall and stalking him doesn't sound well.
CUT THE CONNECTIONS, how can you move on if you would go emotional once you see him posting messages on wall's of other girls? Well, you know what I mean.
#4 Looking good is feeling good-STOP COMPARING YOURSELF WITH OTHER GIRLS. You have your strengths & weaknesses. Go to the salon, have fun, SHOP and most of all always remember that you are
BEAUTIFUL and it's TRUE. :)
#5 Family and friends are shoulders to lean on-What are your relatives for? Your friends? They are the persons who
understand you the most. If you can't take it anymore then go rant and I tell you--
art of letting go is difficult, it takes
TIME. Now, you have to remember that
getting your heart broken doesn't mean that it is the end of the world, that is something NORMAL. Not everyone we know may stay forever, keep in mind that
NOTHING is permanent in this world. Sometimes, He also sends persons to teach us
LESSONS we can use in life, to make us
WISER. Crying nor drinking is not a solution. If your gonna
MESS UP YOUR LIFE just because of the break-up then go on--
LOSER? :) Try to take everything one step at a time, letting go is not easy but it is
POSSIBLE if you really like that to happen afterall, life is full of surprises. Last but not the least,
SMILE looking good is feeling good right? :) For whatever is happening in your life, don't preoccupy yourself with the question "WHY?" but rather, ponder more on WHERE these events bring you. God is leading you to somewhere beautiful beyond the harsh realties of life--
ONCE YOU GET TO WHERE GOD WANTS YOU TO BE, THEN YOU'LL KNOW WHY. Let's not grip on things, He has the perfect time for everything & He makes the wisest moves, be patient because His decisions are always the
best. ♥
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