A true friend walks beside you, rain or shine. :)

POSTED ON: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 @ 1:09 PM | 0 comments

March 27, 2010. E-games R2D4 event and Bandmaster launching at SM North Edsa.

Well, life is really full of surprises. And NEVER did I know that I would gain a friend on that said event. :> Raph was actually talking to someone when I realized that I had met him before. Well, being friendly-- I quickly called him and we talked about random stuffs.

I actually didn't expect that we would become friends I mean he's a Band Master Correspondent I thought he's the serious-type?. He's from the O2Jam community and I'm just a normal Audista. Plus, the age-- I really thought that he doesn't want to be bugged by uhh, KIDS? LOL. More of, after the casual talk then back to normal lives Haha! So after the event, and as the months passed by we still talked to each other and if I got PROBLEMS then he would there to listen and I really appreciate that 'cos most of the time, I try my best not to show emotions to my friends for there will be endless questions. Well, unlike him he would simply let me talk & he listens. He'll walk beside you, RAIN OR SHINE.

Maybe there are also many factors why we became close friends. He's crazy at times and would tell jokes e, I laugh easily right? Aside from that I also found many interesting stuffs 'bout him like, he isn't good in Taglog. Would you believe, HE ONLY LEARNED THE MEANING OF TAKURI LAST YEAR?! It's KETTLE in English Raph, KETTLE! He also doesn't eat BALOT and it's really freaky haha! Or maybe I ain't used to 'cos eating Balot is already in my system lol. He is also good-looking, eww loljk., better term-- HE LOOKS LIKE A HUMAN. Haha! And the weirdest part of all? I can't believe that for a guy, HE IS HYGENIC. He uses, sanitizer before he eats something *faints, I have never done that in my 14 years of existence. SRSLY. Now that's what I call UNIQUE. The best part about him is he doesn't know how to pretend. Sort of, what you see is what you get-- IF HE IS ACTING CRAZY AND GOOFED UP THEN HE REALLY IS LIKE THAT. No pretensions, THAT'S HIM. :) And oh, he also loves making other persons happy. :>

Well? What else? I guess I've said too much. :> Hey twin *yes, we call each other twin. I SELDOM do this. Your so good at making requests 'no? FUDGE haha! You are blessed by the Above, do not CHANGE. You've achieved so much already but DO KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND. And no matter what happens, well I know you know this already but just to remind you-- I'll always be here. K? >:D< Thanks for always being there ♥



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