Do not wait for the storm to pass, DANCE WITH THE RAIN.
POSTED ON: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 @ 6:00 PM | 0 comments

I suddenly missed blogging. Been busy the past few days, good thing I'm in the mood to write today. No writer's block, none at all. :)
Anyway, our school just had it's Foundation celebration last week so there were loads of activities. Here are some: Opening of the Directress Cup, Bungee Jumping (Which I did not try, I suck right? LOL.), and Hiphop Dance Competition. NO CLASSES FOR 1 WEEK! plus, Sophomores got second place for the Hiphop Dance Competition! Congrats 90 Degrees, I ♥ you guys. <33
Hm, I'm feeling gloomy this afternoon. I don't know why? Maybe because I'm
P.S Teachers Day on Feb. 11, I'll be T. Flor. Elementary Department hello! And oh, I'll be teaching Filipino.