Where is the love?

POSTED ON: Saturday, July 24, 2010 @ 8:10 PM | 0 comments

Mixed emotions. I actually have a separated family. I know it's so so normal in our society nowadays but people nowadays think that its as if it's NOTHING but for me it's actually something.

My family is actually perfect well ofcourse in my point of view.
My father is a hardworking man who loves us ever so dearly. My mother is also something, for me she's the prettiest woman in the whole world, she always tries her best to take care of us. My sister is the bittersweet type, she's great and I like teasing her haha! Cool resort.

But ofcourse good things also come to an end. Our PER-FECT family got broke 6 years ago. I know it sucks but ya know it's good to reminisce once in a while and I cannot resort nor tell anybody about how I feel because I'm too TOUCH-Y with this matter so the only resort that I can get is by typing and posting something here in my blog.
I also saw our first & last family picture, it's already torn. :(. My reaction was like "Fudge? O_O" but ofcourse, for me it's normal already well. The pro side is, it actually gave me lessons that I can use throughout my life. I learned how to value other persons because I know not everything stays forever, I learned how to value the word "FAMILY" and most of all, the experiences made me stronger.

But tell me, whereisthelove? Well I hope I'll find it soon. Cummon papa and mama, grow up! :(

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