It's June 20.

POSTED ON: Sunday, June 20, 2010 @ 7:34 PM | 0 comments


I got his nose & his complexion. ;)
Well, my father is not here in the Philippines- He's actually working abroad and sends money for our tuition fees & school needs. He's contract is always equal to 10 months- Imagine? He left last January so he's gonna arrive on September or October. Tad too long.

But he is working for us. When my sister and I were still little (as in kids, screwyoufudgphilosopher) when he would go abroad again we would run wild and cry our hearts out- but now that we are older it's normal. Maybe because I'm already used to it? Or maybe I know the purpose.

Well, Happy Father's Day to my dad Rodrigo S. Reyes- Without you, I would't be here 'no? And 'cos you are my DAD I'm twice as blessed and lucky to be ME.

P.S To daddy's out there- HAPPY FATHER'S DAYY.

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