Miss Bookworm. :3

POSTED ON: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 @ 9:36 AM | 0 comments

I'm kindda sad right now- my books have been washed away by Ondoy's wrath last September and most of the books that have been washed away were actually the great // novel type ones. :( And now I'm stuck with boredom again. Yess, I got this computer but still once in a while, I wanna lie down and just read till the sun sets but as of now, I have read all the books here at home & I srsly, want new ones. :( If only I got money but it's vacation T_T So prolly, I can buy books by July or August pff @_@

I also want to buy replacements for the missing books. Well I'm fond of novels so basically, when the time comes that I got money alredy I'll splurge it not on clothes, shoes, accessories-- only on BOOKS. :)

Bored again. BV :\

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