Living life to the FULLEST

POSTED ON: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 @ 7:02 PM | 0 comments

life quotes Pictures, Images and Photos

Ever thought of death? Hell yeah, when we talk `bout random stuffs "death" is always the first subject matter for all of us. I wanna die happy-- who doesn't want anyway? but ofcourse, before death there's always LIFE.

How CAN we live life to the fullest anyway?
I personally believe that each should live simply and Oh! Learn to enjoy every moment in your life 'cuz opportunities only pass by once so that when you die there are NO REGRETS. ;) Before I forget, I just wanna share you the most valuable persons and stuffs in my life ;)

2.)Family and Friends

So how do you wanna die?
Happy or....

Full of regrets?

P.S I'll choose the first one!

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