Counting the blessings ♥

POSTED ON: Sunday, March 14, 2010 @ 8:55 AM | 0 comments


After the various programs and contests that I joined (won & lose-- Still on the go (:)
Here comes another one, unfortunately I was chosen to represent our Party List (B.A.T.S) for the position of Secretary. Srsly, this is one of the toughest stuffs that I didn't quite expect to come this year. Tomorrow will be the Meeting de Abace & I still haven't created a speech, I think Tuesday will be the election? Random emotions as of now, Scared, Nervous Excited? Nuh-uh. Well, I hope for a clean election ;)

& if it isn't too much to ask-- VOTE & CHOOSE wisely ;)
Say a prayer for me.

Goodluck to all the candidates. Being chosen is already an award for us-- not everybody gets chosen right? ♥


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