Worth it ♥
POSTED ON: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 7:45 PM | 0 comments

Have you ever worked so hard for something that you want to have?
Have you ever dreamed of something so bad that you want to achieve it ASAP?
Have you ever had a difficult time looking for happiness?
...Well, I did plus I learned it the hard way. :)))) After 7 months of tedious training, we we're finally declared C.A.T Officers by our Commandant. :) I've been so nervous 'bout it this morning but luckily, I passed and is now officially "Ma'am Reyes". :) What's so good 'bout it? I learned that ALL of us can't achieve anything without WORKING for it (unless you are like are corrupt government officials duhh.) and working HARD for it should be be accompanied with determination and eyes set to get that BACON. ;) Well Bacon = Goal right? SCREWW. :))
Actually, I never thought I could get to this point 'cos for everyone's info I have so many illnesses that can sometimes really be bittchyy 'cos it affects my C.A.T training but I took it as an advantage ya know positive thinking? That I can surpass everything though I have these kinds of illnesses and yess I did it. :D
You see, if you really want something you'll do everything just to achieve and get the goal. Don't be bothered and frustrated once problems comes thy way-- these problems were given so that we can LEARN something from it. :) ENJOY LIFE! Be cheerful strive to be HAPPY. :D
P.S Yii ang saya talaga. =)))) HAPPINESSSS! ♥
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Worth it ♥
POSTED ON: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 7:45 PM | 0 comments

Have you ever worked so hard for something that you want to have?
Have you ever dreamed of something so bad that you want to achieve it ASAP?
Have you ever had a difficult time looking for happiness?
...Well, I did plus I learned it the hard way. :)))) After 7 months of tedious training, we we're finally declared C.A.T Officers by our Commandant. :) I've been so nervous 'bout it this morning but luckily, I passed and is now officially "Ma'am Reyes". :) What's so good 'bout it? I learned that ALL of us can't achieve anything without WORKING for it (unless you are like are corrupt government officials duhh.) and working HARD for it should be be accompanied with determination and eyes set to get that BACON. ;) Well Bacon = Goal right? SCREWW. :))
Actually, I never thought I could get to this point 'cos for everyone's info I have so many illnesses that can sometimes really be bittchyy 'cos it affects my C.A.T training but I took it as an advantage ya know positive thinking? That I can surpass everything though I have these kinds of illnesses and yess I did it. :D
You see, if you really want something you'll do everything just to achieve and get the goal. Don't be bothered and frustrated once problems comes thy way-- these problems were given so that we can LEARN something from it. :) ENJOY LIFE! Be cheerful strive to be HAPPY. :D
P.S Yii ang saya talaga. =)))) HAPPINESSSS! ♥
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