Addiction. I sin part II
POSTED ON: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 6:37 PM | 0 comments
No sweets, no salty stuffs, no cold drinks. Being a choir member has it's advantages & disadvantages. You need to sacrifices stuffs (FOOOOOD T~T) you love just to be better. And luckily,
I am a choir member- *Do I look like one? Hmm.*
Well first I am really not fond of
sweet and salty stuffs. But cold drinks = SACRIFICCCCCCCCCCCE! I'm fond of ice teas, pineapple drinks, fit & right, cold coffee (whatever it's called idc!)- name it just as long as it's cold = LIFE ♥ But sadly I ain't allowed, ain't allowed, ain't allowed. Actually 2008 was the year I started
AVOIDING (and it was difficult) cold drinks, that went on for 1 year so it's up to November 2009- but lately I've been gobbling up every cold food and drinks. I ate ice cream yesterday, then I drank ice tea~!!
I need to resist TEMPTATIOOON!. Well tell me about it, it's difficult you know?
...and I'll try my best not to sin.I HOPE. ;)
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Addiction. I sin part II
POSTED ON: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 6:37 PM | 0 comments
No sweets, no salty stuffs, no cold drinks. Being a choir member has it's advantages & disadvantages. You need to sacrifices stuffs (FOOOOOD T~T) you love just to be better. And luckily,
I am a choir member- *Do I look like one? Hmm.*
Well first I am really not fond of
sweet and salty stuffs. But cold drinks = SACRIFICCCCCCCCCCCE! I'm fond of ice teas, pineapple drinks, fit & right, cold coffee (whatever it's called idc!)- name it just as long as it's cold = LIFE ♥ But sadly I ain't allowed, ain't allowed, ain't allowed. Actually 2008 was the year I started
AVOIDING (and it was difficult) cold drinks, that went on for 1 year so it's up to November 2009- but lately I've been gobbling up every cold food and drinks. I ate ice cream yesterday, then I drank ice tea~!!
I need to resist TEMPTATIOOON!. Well tell me about it, it's difficult you know?
...and I'll try my best not to sin.I HOPE. ;)
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