A broken glass and a pitcher with water.

POSTED ON: Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 6:11 PM | 0 comments

"Assignment! Please bring coloring materials, short bond paper & FAMILY PICTURE tomorrow."

I mumbled- Family Picture great just great. This is so difficult, as far as I remember I don't have any family picture at all and aside from that- our last family picture here (well that was almost 9 years ago) was literally TORN :l Sucks right? But then what can I do, it's an assignment so I should do something.

So the next day I asked our teacher "What if there's no family picture". Well he gave an interesting reply, told me- I could draw ANY representation of my family. BETTER! Actually awe`some. Guess what I drew? A glass a broken glass. It may sound simple for you but for me it's nott. What does the broken glass symbolize? My broken family... HEPPP~ I'm not done here, and on top of the glass I drew a pitcher with water and the water was being poured on the glass- what does this symbolize? It means despite the fact that I have a broken, separated, incomplete wtv it's called STILL love overflows from my relatives and parents despite the fact that they are separated. They give us what we need & the unconditional love is still PRESENT. A pitcher with water & broken glass- hmm, makes sense right?

So you? Do you have a family picture? :)

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