Chinese Garter~
POSTED ON: Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 4:10 PM | 0 comments

Okay~ Sooo what comes in your mind when you hear the word "Chinese Garter?"
LOL~ well, I just came home .. few hours ago I played with the second year students with regards to this game. Ako yung mother ? eehh .. ang hirap rin kaya ! hehe .
We played from 3:00pm- 4:00pm it was nice and tiring but hey, once it gets higher and higer it becomes more challenging, and oh! Though I'm small cummon! let's get this on. I'm a good chinese garter player o.o I jump high and I know how to bend my body even if the garter is already in the ground LOL~ I can also do the 1 by 1 really good, and the magic yes yes >:)
Basiclly, This game can burn fats ! I mean come on? You would really sweat after the jumps and everything hehe, It's also fun.
I just hope, that Girls this days still play this kind of game, I mean cummon~ With the technology and everything that we have today, kids get too~ I mean
REALLY addicted to technologies especially with regards to the
COMPUTERS, and yeah .. I wish they would still play the Filipino Games, like patintero, tumbang preso, bakahan, and of course CHINESE GARTER! Preserve our culture, though time is getting forward and more into techies, still let's not forget what our ancestors started millions of years ago, and let's preserve our culture. After all? Filipinos have a great culture :)
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Chinese Garter~
POSTED ON: Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 4:10 PM | 0 comments

Okay~ Sooo what comes in your mind when you hear the word "Chinese Garter?"
LOL~ well, I just came home .. few hours ago I played with the second year students with regards to this game. Ako yung mother ? eehh .. ang hirap rin kaya ! hehe .
We played from 3:00pm- 4:00pm it was nice and tiring but hey, once it gets higher and higer it becomes more challenging, and oh! Though I'm small cummon! let's get this on. I'm a good chinese garter player o.o I jump high and I know how to bend my body even if the garter is already in the ground LOL~ I can also do the 1 by 1 really good, and the magic yes yes >:)
Basiclly, This game can burn fats ! I mean come on? You would really sweat after the jumps and everything hehe, It's also fun.
I just hope, that Girls this days still play this kind of game, I mean cummon~ With the technology and everything that we have today, kids get too~ I mean
REALLY addicted to technologies especially with regards to the
COMPUTERS, and yeah .. I wish they would still play the Filipino Games, like patintero, tumbang preso, bakahan, and of course CHINESE GARTER! Preserve our culture, though time is getting forward and more into techies, still let's not forget what our ancestors started millions of years ago, and let's preserve our culture. After all? Filipinos have a great culture :)
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