POSTED ON: Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 2:29 PM | 0 comments
-0-0-0-Gokusen3 :D

Found out due to the shitty commercial! And I laughed and jumped here in our living room, I look crazy but hey! A scope like this would really make me wild! I loved this since I was 11 years old, and now after 2 years still loving it. I have a knack for watching shows like that, well for me it is <3 LOLS~ my day is still fine up to this time.
It's actually Friday the 13th boom! Scary, tried researching on how to further more develop my paranormal skills (I do have) acck, my classmates always ask me how does it feel. Actually it's scary, when you get to sense them. Take it as a gift not a curse, that's it for now. Be updating my friendster first be posting again laaaaaaaaaaaaaaater :3 ROFL.