HS . HS . HS

POSTED ON: Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 3:04 PM | 0 comments

"Elementary Life"

It's already 6 days, before a special event that would occur this month. Yes, yes .. I know that your thinking about birthdays .. debuts .. parties, but that's not correct XD! It's the day of my GRADUATION.

6 years of studying in the elementary level. I've grown a lot during the past years. I've learned many things, through my teachers I also learned lessons outside the four corners of our classroom. I've learned how to mingle with different people of different attitudes, that is with regards to my classmates. I've learned the simple joys and happiness of life. My elementary years was filled with excitement, and now .. 6 days before the graduation .. time flies so fast, if I control time I'd be rewinding everything again, just for me to experience the same happiness like before. In life, we should continue moving on .. and yes, we are moving to a new world .. that's what you call the "Highschool life." They say H.S life is the most exciting and fun part of your school life, I still don't know yet if it is true but one thing's for sure, each and every one of us (me and my batchmates) will do our best just to achieved the things that we want when we become H.S students.

Memories would still be kept here in my heart, I know that someday .. all of us (me and my batch mates) would see each other again, we traveled a long journey and now .. the journey would be ending, I'd still be enjoying the last 6 days. And yes, Elementary is still the best for me.

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Wondergirl ♥