POSTED ON: Friday, August 20, 2010 @ 12:10 PM | 0 comments

It's been months already since I thought of entering the
Cosplay Industry.Cosplay has also been accepted here in the Philippines and I tell you, we've got famous Filipina cosplayers. So what's with the photo above?
See, I ordered my first cosplay piece in their online shop. They offer not only
cool cosplay costumes, but also great variety of clothes and accessories for
MEN and WOMEN with affordable prices. What more can you ask for! :D
Anyway, YES. I'll be a cosplayer but not now. Still too busy with activities. I'm also excited because this is something different, something new to me? I hope I'll do well. Keke~ Ofcourse, thank you Korean Madness (Ate Lezlie and Ate Iby) without your online shop maybe I still am looking for materials until this time. :)
KOREAN MADNESS: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=100001215408430&ref=ts
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POSTED ON: Friday, August 20, 2010 @ 12:10 PM | 0 comments

It's been months already since I thought of entering the
Cosplay Industry.Cosplay has also been accepted here in the Philippines and I tell you, we've got famous Filipina cosplayers. So what's with the photo above?
See, I ordered my first cosplay piece in their online shop. They offer not only
cool cosplay costumes, but also great variety of clothes and accessories for
MEN and WOMEN with affordable prices. What more can you ask for! :D
Anyway, YES. I'll be a cosplayer but not now. Still too busy with activities. I'm also excited because this is something different, something new to me? I hope I'll do well. Keke~ Ofcourse, thank you Korean Madness (Ate Lezlie and Ate Iby) without your online shop maybe I still am looking for materials until this time. :)
KOREAN MADNESS: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/profile.php?id=100001215408430&ref=ts
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