Your beautiful

POSTED ON: Friday, August 13, 2010 @ 8:32 PM | 0 comments

"No one comes out ALIVE in this world. Live your life to the fullest, don't mind the bullshits & the haters. They are just WASTING your time."

Girls nowadays are too conscious with their body- their face, their appearance, their body. Yes, I know everyone wants curves and everyone wants to be at their best who doesn't anyway?. I think regular exercise, healthy diet, and being happy can be good start-off points but please, not to the extent that your gonna starve yourself to death 'cos of the OBSESSION. Hello? Food will be food, it's DELICIOUS mind you.

Yes, I understand the pressure but keep in mind that the outside doesn't matter, it may catch the mass attention but do remember that face value is worthless once there is no unique personality. Cummon girls, don't get swayed and whooped by the media nowadays. All I know that every girl is valuable and can be considered as a treasure. So to all, please- chin up, smile be confident and do remember that your beautiful and it's TRUE. :)

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