What's new?

POSTED ON: Thursday, August 12, 2010 @ 2:01 PM | 0 comments

Finally! I missed posting here, anyway I consider my blog as my second home so no need to worry 'cos the it ain't gonna run away haha! I opened my account here due to uh, boredom? screw me! I still need to review later and I accidentally left my T.L.E book at school. :'( Aww. But anyway, just a recap of what I am up-slash-addicted to now. :)

1. Ribbons
- I am beginning to get addicted to this kind of accessory! It's actually a must have for me. Will try to buy some next mall trip.

2. Pageant
- Preparations all the way. Good thing we have no practice this week & next week, I need rest. I think I'm getting too tired? But don't worry I'm still okay.

3. New flip-flops
- I badly want new flip flops. Nothing much, it's just that my Hav's & Banana Peel's are all worn-out as of the moment so I'm saving just to buy a pair or too next mall trip. (Again?)

4. I need to get thinner. :(
- This is one of the hardest thing to do, I can't take my eyes off of sweets! Boohoo T~T I hope I can fullfill my dream of getting the waist size 24-26. Cummon! My arms are just too big. Porky much eh?

5. No to softdrinks
- As I've said before, I'm trying not to drink any kind of softdrink right? Yehay to my accomplishment, I haven't drink cold stuffs for a month already! I hope this will continue.

6. Flying Colors
- Let's get straight to the point- I'm giving my best just to get in the top this quarter. Pray for me ya'll, I'm really exerting effort (except for the I-forgot-my-TLE-book. T~T) Ohh well, serves as a lesson for me but yeah, I'm doing what I can. But, MATH'S JUST TOO DIFFICULT. T^T.

So there you go. Good think I'm not that busy anymore. I feel so tired last week, btw I didn't mention I got new hairstyle right? Well it suits me well anyway. Hm, everyone's telling me I look like a doll? Haha! I'm also inlove with my new layout! Thanks velvet sky. <33 Srsly, nothing's new right? WRONG.

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Wondergirl ♥