POSTED ON: Monday, March 23, 2009 @ 3:36 PM | 0 comments
Kate Amber Rustia

See the image above? yeah .. cool right? well, for all the people out there I am not the one who made that, clarifications lang. It's KATE AMBER RUSTIA who made it ü. Well, if you would ask me who is that girl well I'd give you a simple introduction bout her~ she is actually fond of making designs, she's a 4th grader and yet her capacities with regards to photoshop editing is extreme so beware LOL! she's great .. I've already seen tons of her designs. Cool actually, I totally ♥ her graphics and that's a promise! :x
Well, I've met tons of people with extreme talents though they are young. Most of us are chickens to admit that we do have talents and sometimes we tend to be ashameful of what we have, see Kate? though she's young she's trying to develop and to nurture more her skills with regards to desigining. Now, I do BELiEVE that all of us have talents, it's just of matter on how we can discover it, every talent is extraordinary so for those who have them~ please continue to develop it and for those who BELIEVE that they don't well, I'm happy to say that you HAVE
and you need to discover it as early as possible. Do imitate KATE and all the other people who strive hard to do their best.
Well, I've met tons of people with extreme talents though they are young. Most of us are chickens to admit that we do have talents and sometimes we tend to be ashameful of what we have, see Kate? though she's young she's trying to develop and to nurture more her skills with regards to desigining. Now, I do BELiEVE that all of us have talents, it's just of matter on how we can discover it, every talent is extraordinary so for those who have them~ please continue to develop it and for those who BELIEVE that they don't well, I'm happy to say that you HAVE
and you need to discover it as early as possible. Do imitate KATE and all the other people who strive hard to do their best.