Summer !!

POSTED ON: Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 7:55 AM | 0 comments

Summer is Summer

Ohh I just love summer! I'm here relaxing and it's already 8am. Actually, though it's summer the Philippines is experiencing rain because of the cold front ohh well~ my summer is really fun! aside from relaxing and sitting here in front of the computer I also have many things that I can do. For example, I can attend to my choir practices without any hassle and I'm not stressed out from all the shcool works. But hey don't get me wrong I'm also anticipating June 2009.

I also love the swimming pool, and yeah .. on Sunday me and my choirmates would be having an
outing, vocalization in the pool is a must! Ohh yes! Well, I'd be posting another inspirational story later. :D

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