I'm 68% Asian ;)
POSTED ON: Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ 12:01 PM | 0 comments
Let's see if you're really an Asian! Just mark with an [x] those things that are true for you.
Sutaato da! :D
[x] both of your parents are from Asia
[x] you were born in Asia
[ ] you use the term "azn"
[x] you think DDR is cool
[ ] you've watched lots of anime
[x] you like Korean drama
[x] you have stuff hanging on your phone
[x] you think your parents want you to marry within your own race
[x] you eat rice almost every day
[ ] you drink lemon tea
x's so far : 7
[x] you style your hair
[x] you have a bebo // myspace // friendster
[x] you speak languages other than English
[x] your parents are strict
[x] your parents have high expectations of you
[x] you always get A's and B's on your report
[ ] you do chemistry // biology // physics // accounting (in school. yeah.)
[x] you know your multiplication table
[x] you play badminton or table tennis or Irish ping-pong (Irish ping-pong isn't even Asian!)
[x] you've seen the Asian version of 'The Ring' or 'The Grudge'
x's so far : 16
[x] you go or want to go to a university and would never consider an apprenticeship
[ ] you own an Asian car
[x] you're not an only child
[x] you've gotten little red envelopes around February
[x] you know the difference between kung-fu, karate and taekwondo
[x] your mother tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted
[x] you can solve a Rubik's cube
[x] you have a box of noodles somewhere in your house
[x] you play video games
x's so far : 24
[x] every time you're going out, your parents ask you where you're going and what time you'll be home
[ ] you have karaoke at home
[ ] you've been to a LAN more than three times
[x] you have incense sticks or moth balls in your house
[x] you own a gaming console
[x] you don't wear shoes in your house
[x] you can use chopsticks
[ ] you get nothing if you do well in school, but punished if you don't
x's so far: 29
[ ] your parents won't let you go out if you have school the next day
[x] you have Asian songs on your computer or music player
[x] you don't like football
[ ] you like soccer
x's so far: 31
[x] you have a curfew
[ ] you know what ulzzang means
[ ] you know what purikura is
[ ] you like bubble tea
[x] your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come
[x] you've played Final Fantasy or World of Warcraft
[ ] you believe in fortune cookies
x's so far : 33
[ ] you know what is bok choy
[ ] you've heard the song "got rice?" (Asian pride)
[ ] you've had Pocky or Yan yan before
[x] when you ask for your mum's permission she goes "ask your dad"
x's so far :34
Total x's: 34
Multiply your total score by 2 and put the subject as i am **% Asian.
For One More Day by Mitch Albom
POSTED ON: Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 5:49 PM | 0 comments
"What if you were still given a chance to be someone who died years ago for just One Day." Well-- this was the concept of Mitch Albom's spectacular novel entitled "For One More Day" well here's the plot P.S I got this from Wikipedia super credit! ;)

The book's theme is mortality it analyzes how people might react to the chance to have a dead relative back for a day.
The book tells the story of Charley “Chick” Benetto, a former baseball player who encounters myriad problems with his career, finances, family and alcohol abuse. This leads him to become suicidal, and he leaps from a water tower in an attempt to end his life. After falling to the ground Benetto looks up – his suicide attempt an apparent failure – to see his mother, who had died eight years prior.
Benetto returns to his old family home, and spends one more day with his mother, wherein a number of previously unknown factors related to his difficult childhood and troubled relationship with his father are revealed to him. His mother assists him in resolving his issues and getting his life back on track. The day ends when Benetto regains consciousness at the foot of the water tower, in the arms of a police officer.
The book's epilogue describes how Benetto was inspired by his experience to quit drinking and reconcile with family, including his daughter, Maria, before his death five years later. At the end, Maria is revealed to have been the narrator of the story.
CREDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_One_More_Day
==Finally got the chance to post! Hello to everybody tad too bad that this is the only time to post but the good thing is I'm back ;) yipee! So yeah, last night I finally got the chance to read "One More Day". Actually, the history of "ME" reading "THAT BOOK" is quite confusing 'cuz I got interested with Mitch Albom's novels 'cuz of "Tuesdays with Morrie". When I first saw "One More Day" it was normal for me to flip through some of the pages + I tried reading the first part but to no avail it wasn't really interesting on my part. And the climax? I was going through some books last night and I saw that book what was hilarious was I actually got to flip to this certain page and I
ACCIDENTALLY read some of the lines and I was like
"OMGee-- This is aw`some!" I started reading last night and I also finished it last time LOL :"> =)))) It was a great book 'cuz seriously after reading it I really found out that
all of us should value the people surrounding us and we are only given one chance to live in this world so by any means~ we should really enjoy & live it out to the FULLEST. YESS-- FULLEST! ;) Well-- that's about everything. To all of you out there I'm really recommending this book haha! =)
xoxo ♥
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I'm 68% Asian ;)
POSTED ON: Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ 12:01 PM | 0 comments
Let's see if you're really an Asian! Just mark with an [x] those things that are true for you.
Sutaato da! :D
[x] both of your parents are from Asia
[x] you were born in Asia
[ ] you use the term "azn"
[x] you think DDR is cool
[ ] you've watched lots of anime
[x] you like Korean drama
[x] you have stuff hanging on your phone
[x] you think your parents want you to marry within your own race
[x] you eat rice almost every day
[ ] you drink lemon tea
x's so far : 7
[x] you style your hair
[x] you have a bebo // myspace // friendster
[x] you speak languages other than English
[x] your parents are strict
[x] your parents have high expectations of you
[x] you always get A's and B's on your report
[ ] you do chemistry // biology // physics // accounting (in school. yeah.)
[x] you know your multiplication table
[x] you play badminton or table tennis or Irish ping-pong (Irish ping-pong isn't even Asian!)
[x] you've seen the Asian version of 'The Ring' or 'The Grudge'
x's so far : 16
[x] you go or want to go to a university and would never consider an apprenticeship
[ ] you own an Asian car
[x] you're not an only child
[x] you've gotten little red envelopes around February
[x] you know the difference between kung-fu, karate and taekwondo
[x] your mother tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted
[x] you can solve a Rubik's cube
[x] you have a box of noodles somewhere in your house
[x] you play video games
x's so far : 24
[x] every time you're going out, your parents ask you where you're going and what time you'll be home
[ ] you have karaoke at home
[ ] you've been to a LAN more than three times
[x] you have incense sticks or moth balls in your house
[x] you own a gaming console
[x] you don't wear shoes in your house
[x] you can use chopsticks
[ ] you get nothing if you do well in school, but punished if you don't
x's so far: 29
[ ] your parents won't let you go out if you have school the next day
[x] you have Asian songs on your computer or music player
[x] you don't like football
[ ] you like soccer
x's so far: 31
[x] you have a curfew
[ ] you know what ulzzang means
[ ] you know what purikura is
[ ] you like bubble tea
[x] your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come
[x] you've played Final Fantasy or World of Warcraft
[ ] you believe in fortune cookies
x's so far : 33
[ ] you know what is bok choy
[ ] you've heard the song "got rice?" (Asian pride)
[ ] you've had Pocky or Yan yan before
[x] when you ask for your mum's permission she goes "ask your dad"
x's so far :34
Total x's: 34
Multiply your total score by 2 and put the subject as i am **% Asian.
For One More Day by Mitch Albom
POSTED ON: Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 5:49 PM | 0 comments
"What if you were still given a chance to be someone who died years ago for just One Day." Well-- this was the concept of Mitch Albom's spectacular novel entitled "For One More Day" well here's the plot P.S I got this from Wikipedia super credit! ;)

The book's theme is mortality it analyzes how people might react to the chance to have a dead relative back for a day.
The book tells the story of Charley “Chick” Benetto, a former baseball player who encounters myriad problems with his career, finances, family and alcohol abuse. This leads him to become suicidal, and he leaps from a water tower in an attempt to end his life. After falling to the ground Benetto looks up – his suicide attempt an apparent failure – to see his mother, who had died eight years prior.
Benetto returns to his old family home, and spends one more day with his mother, wherein a number of previously unknown factors related to his difficult childhood and troubled relationship with his father are revealed to him. His mother assists him in resolving his issues and getting his life back on track. The day ends when Benetto regains consciousness at the foot of the water tower, in the arms of a police officer.
The book's epilogue describes how Benetto was inspired by his experience to quit drinking and reconcile with family, including his daughter, Maria, before his death five years later. At the end, Maria is revealed to have been the narrator of the story.
CREDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_One_More_Day
==Finally got the chance to post! Hello to everybody tad too bad that this is the only time to post but the good thing is I'm back ;) yipee! So yeah, last night I finally got the chance to read "One More Day". Actually, the history of "ME" reading "THAT BOOK" is quite confusing 'cuz I got interested with Mitch Albom's novels 'cuz of "Tuesdays with Morrie". When I first saw "One More Day" it was normal for me to flip through some of the pages + I tried reading the first part but to no avail it wasn't really interesting on my part. And the climax? I was going through some books last night and I saw that book what was hilarious was I actually got to flip to this certain page and I
ACCIDENTALLY read some of the lines and I was like
"OMGee-- This is aw`some!" I started reading last night and I also finished it last time LOL :"> =)))) It was a great book 'cuz seriously after reading it I really found out that
all of us should value the people surrounding us and we are only given one chance to live in this world so by any means~ we should really enjoy & live it out to the FULLEST. YESS-- FULLEST! ;) Well-- that's about everything. To all of you out there I'm really recommending this book haha! =)
xoxo ♥
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