POSTED ON: Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 12:57 PM | 0 comments
Sisters by Heart

^ Before we go to church :D

^ Peace . Peace . Peace

^ Mapogee kami! *mas pogi ako~
*Disclaimer: Yes, for those who keep on asking me if I do have a sister well well well, papel yes I do have .. her name is Mistral, she's fantastic and ferocious as me but then ! I'm still prettier than her, bwahaha! LOL~ sooo here are some pictures:

^ Before we go to church :D

^ Peace . Peace . Peace

^ Mapogee kami! *mas pogi ako~
Haha, see ? well .. I do love my sister though I am not that affectionate but hey! I'm still her ate, and she needs to respect me LOOL soo ayun, kinukulit niya nanaman ako emf emf ~ :))
POSTED ON: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 @ 6:11 PM | 0 comments
True Friends
Mere thought guys, what if? the people you've been close with through all the years/months had finally found a replacement in your group with regards to your position.
Actually, it's happening to me right now, I feel left out with what their doing to me. We are not that close anymore, we don't talk that much and I'm having doubts if they really are true friends in the times we've been together. It's actually painful, I don't know why did they did that to me, but hey? what can I do .. that's what they wanted to do then let it be, now I promised something to myself~
. . . when I reach H.S i'd focus more on my academic skills rather than befriending them again :x it hurts more than ever, to be rejected without even knowing the reason ;c
Actually, it's happening to me right now, I feel left out with what their doing to me. We are not that close anymore, we don't talk that much and I'm having doubts if they really are true friends in the times we've been together. It's actually painful, I don't know why did they did that to me, but hey? what can I do .. that's what they wanted to do then let it be, now I promised something to myself~
. . . when I reach H.S i'd focus more on my academic skills rather than befriending them again :x it hurts more than ever, to be rejected without even knowing the reason ;c
POSTED ON: Monday, March 23, 2009 @ 3:36 PM | 0 comments
Kate Amber Rustia

See the image above? yeah .. cool right? well, for all the people out there I am not the one who made that, clarifications lang. It's KATE AMBER RUSTIA who made it ü. Well, if you would ask me who is that girl well I'd give you a simple introduction bout her~ she is actually fond of making designs, she's a 4th grader and yet her capacities with regards to photoshop editing is extreme so beware LOL! she's great .. I've already seen tons of her designs. Cool actually, I totally ♥ her graphics and that's a promise! :x
Well, I've met tons of people with extreme talents though they are young. Most of us are chickens to admit that we do have talents and sometimes we tend to be ashameful of what we have, see Kate? though she's young she's trying to develop and to nurture more her skills with regards to desigining. Now, I do BELiEVE that all of us have talents, it's just of matter on how we can discover it, every talent is extraordinary so for those who have them~ please continue to develop it and for those who BELIEVE that they don't well, I'm happy to say that you HAVE
and you need to discover it as early as possible. Do imitate KATE and all the other people who strive hard to do their best.
Well, I've met tons of people with extreme talents though they are young. Most of us are chickens to admit that we do have talents and sometimes we tend to be ashameful of what we have, see Kate? though she's young she's trying to develop and to nurture more her skills with regards to desigining. Now, I do BELiEVE that all of us have talents, it's just of matter on how we can discover it, every talent is extraordinary so for those who have them~ please continue to develop it and for those who BELIEVE that they don't well, I'm happy to say that you HAVE
and you need to discover it as early as possible. Do imitate KATE and all the other people who strive hard to do their best.
HS . HS . HS
POSTED ON: Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 3:04 PM | 0 comments
"Elementary Life"
It's already 6 days, before a special event that would occur this month. Yes, yes .. I know that your thinking about birthdays .. debuts .. parties, but that's not correct XD! It's the day of my GRADUATION.
6 years of studying in the elementary level. I've grown a lot during the past years. I've learned many things, through my teachers I also learned lessons outside the four corners of our classroom. I've learned how to mingle with different people of different attitudes, that is with regards to my classmates. I've learned the simple joys and happiness of life. My elementary years was filled with excitement, and now .. 6 days before the graduation .. time flies so fast, if I control time I'd be rewinding everything again, just for me to experience the same happiness like before. In life, we should continue moving on .. and yes, we are moving to a new world .. that's what you call the "Highschool life." They say H.S life is the most exciting and fun part of your school life, I still don't know yet if it is true but one thing's for sure, each and every one of us (me and my batchmates) will do our best just to achieved the things that we want when we become H.S students.
Memories would still be kept here in my heart, I know that someday .. all of us (me and my batch mates) would see each other again, we traveled a long journey and now .. the journey would be ending, I'd still be enjoying the last 6 days. And yes, Elementary is still the best for me.
6 years of studying in the elementary level. I've grown a lot during the past years. I've learned many things, through my teachers I also learned lessons outside the four corners of our classroom. I've learned how to mingle with different people of different attitudes, that is with regards to my classmates. I've learned the simple joys and happiness of life. My elementary years was filled with excitement, and now .. 6 days before the graduation .. time flies so fast, if I control time I'd be rewinding everything again, just for me to experience the same happiness like before. In life, we should continue moving on .. and yes, we are moving to a new world .. that's what you call the "Highschool life." They say H.S life is the most exciting and fun part of your school life, I still don't know yet if it is true but one thing's for sure, each and every one of us (me and my batchmates) will do our best just to achieved the things that we want when we become H.S students.
Memories would still be kept here in my heart, I know that someday .. all of us (me and my batch mates) would see each other again, we traveled a long journey and now .. the journey would be ending, I'd still be enjoying the last 6 days. And yes, Elementary is still the best for me.
First Love?
POSTED ON: Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 9:00 PM | 0 comments
-0-0-0-"First Love (;"
Okay okay~ I just thought of writing a post about my first love, I just thought of it. Okay :3 Mcdo commercial wasn't present back then so what was common between us is our family and his family were close and yes, we knew each other since we were young (5 years old). *At this moment bigla siyang nag online sa ym* XD! okayyy let's continue. We were really close, to the point that I feel for him HARD! which is lame cause I'm not the kind of girl who he likes~ anyway at first crush crush muna then it developed which is LAME! LOLS~ He always told stories to me that would amuse me and in the end it has a lesson. Up to now were still close, I tend to forget my feelings for him but hey, he doesn't even know that I still got a hang over with regards to him.. but hey~ as the Mcdo Commercial says: "Siya pa rin ang First Love ko" *GiDDY* LOLS~
Okay okay~ I just thought of writing a post about my first love, I just thought of it. Okay :3 Mcdo commercial wasn't present back then so what was common between us is our family and his family were close and yes, we knew each other since we were young (5 years old). *At this moment bigla siyang nag online sa ym* XD! okayyy let's continue. We were really close, to the point that I feel for him HARD! which is lame cause I'm not the kind of girl who he likes~ anyway at first crush crush muna then it developed which is LAME! LOLS~ He always told stories to me that would amuse me and in the end it has a lesson. Up to now were still close, I tend to forget my feelings for him but hey, he doesn't even know that I still got a hang over with regards to him.. but hey~ as the Mcdo Commercial says: "Siya pa rin ang First Love ko" *GiDDY* LOLS~
POSTED ON: @ 2:29 PM | 0 comments
-0-0-0-Gokusen3 :D

Found out due to the shitty commercial! And I laughed and jumped here in our living room, I look crazy but hey! A scope like this would really make me wild! I loved this since I was 11 years old, and now after 2 years still loving it. I have a knack for watching shows like that, well for me it is <3 LOLS~ my day is still fine up to this time.
It's actually Friday the 13th boom! Scary, tried researching on how to further more develop my paranormal skills (I do have) acck, my classmates always ask me how does it feel. Actually it's scary, when you get to sense them. Take it as a gift not a curse, that's it for now. Be updating my friendster first be posting again laaaaaaaaaaaaaaater :3 ROFL.