A broken glass and a pitcher with water.
POSTED ON: Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 6:11 PM | 0 comments
"Assignment! Please bring coloring materials, short bond paper & FAMILY PICTURE tomorrow."
I mumbled-
Family Picture great just great. This is so difficult, as far as I remember I don't have any family picture at all and aside from that- our last family picture here (well that was almost 9 years ago) was literally TORN :l Sucks right? But then what can I do, it's an assignment so I should do something.
So the next day I asked our teacher
"What if there's no family picture". Well he gave an interesting reply, told me- I could draw ANY representation of my family. BETTER! Actually awe`some. Guess what I drew? A
glass a
broken glass. It may sound simple for you but for me it's nott. What does the broken glass symbolize?
My broken family... HEPPP~ I'm not done here, and on top of the glass I drew a
pitcher with water and the water was being poured on the glass- what does this symbolize? It means despite the fact that I have a broken, separated, incomplete wtv it's called STILL love overflows from my relatives and parents despite the fact that they are separated. They give us what we need & the unconditional love is still
PRESENT. A pitcher with water & broken glass- hmm,
makes sense right? So you? Do you have a
family picture? :)
2 words
POSTED ON: Sunday, June 27, 2010 @ 8:27 AM | 0 comments
A great way to end my week is to go to church and thank Him for all the blessings that He is giving me day-to-day. By the way, if God's will my mom, sis & I will be watching
Toy Story 3 today! I'm getting excited. :D
Have a nice day ahead.
P.S What's with the title? Our Commandant said the almighty two words that made our day really COOL = Good job! CHEERS. :D
It's June 20.
POSTED ON: Sunday, June 20, 2010 @ 7:34 PM | 0 comments
I got his nose & his complexion. ;)Well, my father is not here in the Philippines- He's actually working abroad and sends money for our tuition fees & school needs. He's contract is always equal to 10 months- Imagine? He left last January so he's gonna arrive on September or October. Tad too long.
But he is working for us. When my sister and I were still little (as in kids, screwyoufudgphilosopher) when he would go abroad again we would run wild and cry our hearts out- but now that we are older it's normal. Maybe because I'm already used to it? Or maybe I know the purpose.
Well, Happy Father's Day to my dad
Rodrigo S. Reyes- Without you, I would't be here 'no? And 'cos you are my
DAD I'm twice as blessed and lucky to be ME.
P.S To daddy's out there- HAPPY FATHER'S DAYY.
It's not being the best- it's doing your best.
POSTED ON: Saturday, June 19, 2010 @ 1:15 PM | 0 comments
I'm somewhat happy today. Atleast our cadets & cadettes improved (I think?). I hope next saturday will equal to
a better Saturday training.
Well the quote above is dedicated to my
Bravo 1st Cadets.
Yes there is competition, but always remember that doing your
best is better than
being the best. I know you'll improve guys- I believe and I swear I'll try to be a good leader to all ov you. Let's just do our part and let's give effort.
..and besides, I know He'll guide us, He makes ways. I'll let Him. Have a blessed day ahead.
POSTED ON: Thursday, June 17, 2010 @ 8:05 PM | 0 comments

It ain't obvious but eversince I was a child
I wanted to skate badly. Before, what really caught my attention was the pair of skates and the skaters cool frilly dresses-
it was so good to look at. Aside from that, they look invincible inside the rink & the moves and routine =
awesome ♥. Since I was young back then, all I can do was observe- well I tried a couple of times to skate, that was the time I decided what I want to do =
to actually take formal lessons. But sadly I ain't the type of kid who would plead to their 'rents to give this & that ASAP & afaik, skating lessons costs a lot tad too bad. But I believe that if an opportunity comes for me to learn the craft then
why not?Well, here I am dreaming once again.
Addiction. I sin part II
POSTED ON: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 6:37 PM | 0 comments
No sweets, no salty stuffs, no cold drinks. Being a choir member has it's advantages & disadvantages. You need to sacrifices stuffs (FOOOOOD T~T) you love just to be better. And luckily,
I am a choir member- *Do I look like one? Hmm.*
Well first I am really not fond of
sweet and salty stuffs. But cold drinks = SACRIFICCCCCCCCCCCE! I'm fond of ice teas, pineapple drinks, fit & right, cold coffee (whatever it's called idc!)- name it just as long as it's cold = LIFE ♥ But sadly I ain't allowed, ain't allowed, ain't allowed. Actually 2008 was the year I started
AVOIDING (and it was difficult) cold drinks, that went on for 1 year so it's up to November 2009- but lately I've been gobbling up every cold food and drinks. I ate ice cream yesterday, then I drank ice tea~!!
I need to resist TEMPTATIOOON!. Well tell me about it, it's difficult you know?
...and I'll try my best not to sin.I HOPE. ;)
Addiction. I sin- I know.
POSTED ON: @ 6:10 PM | 0 comments
Status: Hungry
Food = My addiction. I always say "I'd go on a diet today" then the days end me being bloated up already boo! Especially when you are DARN tired and super groggy- I mean my schedules just damn flooded up (well it's my decision anyway lol!) and after the hoola'boolas of the the everday activities- I spend the evening EATING.
Have I told you 'bout my addiction? Well-
KFC KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN T___T Oh can you resist it's crispy covering & it's heavenly smell- dang I'm getting hungry here. Srsly, I've been a person who eats much EVERYWHERE. Yes I mean, I can't last a day without food & the "extra rice" (told you, that's why I break my "DIET PROMISE?") and when it's KFC oh it's really KFC = Fried Chicken <3. My rice is always equivalent to 4 to 5 cups. Well thanks to the grace from the above, He gave me GREAT metabolism and besides-
The energy I got from the food easily subsides due to my hardcore activities!. But still! I hope I can do something about me being "matakaw" LOL. Well they're goes my tummy again.
Just let me sin for now.
First Time ♥
POSTED ON: Monday, June 14, 2010 @ 12:40 PM | 0 comments
Saturday = CATThe sun wasn't rising yet when I felt my grandma trying to wake me up. I panicked when I heard "It's 6:00AM already" DANG WHAT 6AM?! "No, 5AM" Oh! LOLOLOL. And since my energy was a-OKAY already I started preparing (Maybe because of the 6AM incident? :P)
I started preparing myself for the
DAY, the day I'm gonna use all the things our higher officers & our Commandant taught us. The day when I'll be walking on the school grounds not as an
ordinary student but as a
CAT Officer ohmy it still gives me chills. Well after the oh-so-long-but-I-need-to-go-to-school-before-6:10am preparation- At 6:00AM I was already on my way to school. Everybody was really really busy when I arrived, the tension was there- I mean whose not to be afraid? :O It's my first time! :D After the morning ceremonies we proceeded to the 2nd floor so that our Commandant can discuss what is the agenda for the day. After that
*RECESS*, drills & then dismissal- I don't wanna elaborate that much though. What you see is what you get? :3
But ofcourse, first times = youcanstillgetmistakes and I actually did. But I swear! I'll try my best to improve and to give out the best that I can for CAT. ♥
You really cannot survive in this field w/o the dedication and passion. Well? That's applicable for everything right?
Hell-o school days!
POSTED ON: Thursday, June 10, 2010 @ 7:22 PM | 0 comments
Welcome back to school!My 1st day did a-okay. ;) Actually it was kindda boring that's why I gott nothing to say. BUTTTT! I think the upcoming days would be good- well really good? :) I hope.
Yo can you still visit my blog? :3
Promise! I'll give a GOOD blog update on Saturday. And oh! C.A.T day = SATUUURDAYYY ♥
Goodbye vacation!
POSTED ON: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 @ 1:03 PM | 0 comments
Yess at pasukan na bukas. Nooo hindi ako excited. :l
To-do list:
1.) Study WELL.
2.) Will not use the computer & cellphone during Weekdays.
3.) Face the book and stop the desire for Facebook and Audition.
4.) Have fun once a month. :D
Pray for me guys. :))) Talagang parang ayoko pang pumasok- bitin ang bakasyon. :#
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What else?
Random announcements of promotions and other needs will be posted here. For the meantime, here are the links of my other pages, feel free to visit 'em.
{ Facebook ♡
Tumblr ♡
Blogspot }
Speak up
A broken glass and a pitcher with water.
POSTED ON: Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 6:11 PM | 0 comments
"Assignment! Please bring coloring materials, short bond paper & FAMILY PICTURE tomorrow."
I mumbled-
Family Picture great just great. This is so difficult, as far as I remember I don't have any family picture at all and aside from that- our last family picture here (well that was almost 9 years ago) was literally TORN :l Sucks right? But then what can I do, it's an assignment so I should do something.
So the next day I asked our teacher
"What if there's no family picture". Well he gave an interesting reply, told me- I could draw ANY representation of my family. BETTER! Actually awe`some. Guess what I drew? A
glass a
broken glass. It may sound simple for you but for me it's nott. What does the broken glass symbolize?
My broken family... HEPPP~ I'm not done here, and on top of the glass I drew a
pitcher with water and the water was being poured on the glass- what does this symbolize? It means despite the fact that I have a broken, separated, incomplete wtv it's called STILL love overflows from my relatives and parents despite the fact that they are separated. They give us what we need & the unconditional love is still
PRESENT. A pitcher with water & broken glass- hmm,
makes sense right? So you? Do you have a
family picture? :)
2 words
POSTED ON: Sunday, June 27, 2010 @ 8:27 AM | 0 comments
A great way to end my week is to go to church and thank Him for all the blessings that He is giving me day-to-day. By the way, if God's will my mom, sis & I will be watching
Toy Story 3 today! I'm getting excited. :D
Have a nice day ahead.
P.S What's with the title? Our Commandant said the almighty two words that made our day really COOL = Good job! CHEERS. :D
It's June 20.
POSTED ON: Sunday, June 20, 2010 @ 7:34 PM | 0 comments
I got his nose & his complexion. ;)Well, my father is not here in the Philippines- He's actually working abroad and sends money for our tuition fees & school needs. He's contract is always equal to 10 months- Imagine? He left last January so he's gonna arrive on September or October. Tad too long.
But he is working for us. When my sister and I were still little (as in kids, screwyoufudgphilosopher) when he would go abroad again we would run wild and cry our hearts out- but now that we are older it's normal. Maybe because I'm already used to it? Or maybe I know the purpose.
Well, Happy Father's Day to my dad
Rodrigo S. Reyes- Without you, I would't be here 'no? And 'cos you are my
DAD I'm twice as blessed and lucky to be ME.
P.S To daddy's out there- HAPPY FATHER'S DAYY.
It's not being the best- it's doing your best.
POSTED ON: Saturday, June 19, 2010 @ 1:15 PM | 0 comments
I'm somewhat happy today. Atleast our cadets & cadettes improved (I think?). I hope next saturday will equal to
a better Saturday training.
Well the quote above is dedicated to my
Bravo 1st Cadets.
Yes there is competition, but always remember that doing your
best is better than
being the best. I know you'll improve guys- I believe and I swear I'll try to be a good leader to all ov you. Let's just do our part and let's give effort.
..and besides, I know He'll guide us, He makes ways. I'll let Him. Have a blessed day ahead.
POSTED ON: Thursday, June 17, 2010 @ 8:05 PM | 0 comments

It ain't obvious but eversince I was a child
I wanted to skate badly. Before, what really caught my attention was the pair of skates and the skaters cool frilly dresses-
it was so good to look at. Aside from that, they look invincible inside the rink & the moves and routine =
awesome ♥. Since I was young back then, all I can do was observe- well I tried a couple of times to skate, that was the time I decided what I want to do =
to actually take formal lessons. But sadly I ain't the type of kid who would plead to their 'rents to give this & that ASAP & afaik, skating lessons costs a lot tad too bad. But I believe that if an opportunity comes for me to learn the craft then
why not?Well, here I am dreaming once again.
Addiction. I sin part II
POSTED ON: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 6:37 PM | 0 comments
No sweets, no salty stuffs, no cold drinks. Being a choir member has it's advantages & disadvantages. You need to sacrifices stuffs (FOOOOOD T~T) you love just to be better. And luckily,
I am a choir member- *Do I look like one? Hmm.*
Well first I am really not fond of
sweet and salty stuffs. But cold drinks = SACRIFICCCCCCCCCCCE! I'm fond of ice teas, pineapple drinks, fit & right, cold coffee (whatever it's called idc!)- name it just as long as it's cold = LIFE ♥ But sadly I ain't allowed, ain't allowed, ain't allowed. Actually 2008 was the year I started
AVOIDING (and it was difficult) cold drinks, that went on for 1 year so it's up to November 2009- but lately I've been gobbling up every cold food and drinks. I ate ice cream yesterday, then I drank ice tea~!!
I need to resist TEMPTATIOOON!. Well tell me about it, it's difficult you know?
...and I'll try my best not to sin.I HOPE. ;)
Addiction. I sin- I know.
POSTED ON: @ 6:10 PM | 0 comments
Status: Hungry
Food = My addiction. I always say "I'd go on a diet today" then the days end me being bloated up already boo! Especially when you are DARN tired and super groggy- I mean my schedules just damn flooded up (well it's my decision anyway lol!) and after the hoola'boolas of the the everday activities- I spend the evening EATING.
Have I told you 'bout my addiction? Well-
KFC KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN T___T Oh can you resist it's crispy covering & it's heavenly smell- dang I'm getting hungry here. Srsly, I've been a person who eats much EVERYWHERE. Yes I mean, I can't last a day without food & the "extra rice" (told you, that's why I break my "DIET PROMISE?") and when it's KFC oh it's really KFC = Fried Chicken <3. My rice is always equivalent to 4 to 5 cups. Well thanks to the grace from the above, He gave me GREAT metabolism and besides-
The energy I got from the food easily subsides due to my hardcore activities!. But still! I hope I can do something about me being "matakaw" LOL. Well they're goes my tummy again.
Just let me sin for now.
First Time ♥
POSTED ON: Monday, June 14, 2010 @ 12:40 PM | 0 comments
Saturday = CATThe sun wasn't rising yet when I felt my grandma trying to wake me up. I panicked when I heard "It's 6:00AM already" DANG WHAT 6AM?! "No, 5AM" Oh! LOLOLOL. And since my energy was a-OKAY already I started preparing (Maybe because of the 6AM incident? :P)
I started preparing myself for the
DAY, the day I'm gonna use all the things our higher officers & our Commandant taught us. The day when I'll be walking on the school grounds not as an
ordinary student but as a
CAT Officer ohmy it still gives me chills. Well after the oh-so-long-but-I-need-to-go-to-school-before-6:10am preparation- At 6:00AM I was already on my way to school. Everybody was really really busy when I arrived, the tension was there- I mean whose not to be afraid? :O It's my first time! :D After the morning ceremonies we proceeded to the 2nd floor so that our Commandant can discuss what is the agenda for the day. After that
*RECESS*, drills & then dismissal- I don't wanna elaborate that much though. What you see is what you get? :3
But ofcourse, first times = youcanstillgetmistakes and I actually did. But I swear! I'll try my best to improve and to give out the best that I can for CAT. ♥
You really cannot survive in this field w/o the dedication and passion. Well? That's applicable for everything right?
Hell-o school days!
POSTED ON: Thursday, June 10, 2010 @ 7:22 PM | 0 comments
Welcome back to school!My 1st day did a-okay. ;) Actually it was kindda boring that's why I gott nothing to say. BUTTTT! I think the upcoming days would be good- well really good? :) I hope.
Yo can you still visit my blog? :3
Promise! I'll give a GOOD blog update on Saturday. And oh! C.A.T day = SATUUURDAYYY ♥
Goodbye vacation!
POSTED ON: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 @ 1:03 PM | 0 comments
Yess at pasukan na bukas. Nooo hindi ako excited. :l
To-do list:
1.) Study WELL.
2.) Will not use the computer & cellphone during Weekdays.
3.) Face the book and stop the desire for Facebook and Audition.
4.) Have fun once a month. :D
Pray for me guys. :))) Talagang parang ayoko pang pumasok- bitin ang bakasyon. :#
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